Cluster of Jingdezhen Vases 2023

The Cluster of Jingdezhen Vases is made as a tribute to the history of Jingdezhen porcelain vase manufacturing. The installation is based on vase forms chosen from the long and distinguished history of the porcelain production in Jingdezhen.  The vases are mounted together with thin steel wire through a small hole in the bottom of … [Read more…]


Sevres ANGLAIS CP Forces de la nature 25 07 18 (orginal PDF, with pictures) FORCES DE LA NATURE – THREE NORWEGIAN ARTISTS The “Forces of Nature” exhibition at the National Ceramics Museum of Sèvres pays tribute to Norwegian creativity in contemporary ceramics and tapestry design. The exhibition is organized in partnership with Norwegian Crafts, the KODE … [Read more…]

2017 Ringebu prestegard, fjøset

Ringebu prestegard, fjøset i den gamle driftsbygningen. Fjøset blir i løpet av våren 2017 tilrettelagt som permanent utstillingslokale for Torbjørn Kvasbø. Fjøset er på ca. 120 m2, 220 cm takhøyde, og beholdes stort sett slik det er, men vasket og rensket. Åpning 10. juni 2017. Resten av driftsbygningen er ryddet og rensket, og vil i … [Read more…]

1995: Woodstack `95. University of Missoula, Montana, USA

1995 University of Missoula, Montana, USA. “Woodstack `95”. The University of Montana and the Archie Bray Foundation worked together to sponsor a series of events surrounding the historic reunion of Rudy Autio and Peter Voulkos in Montana. From the left: Jim Leedy, Peter Voulkos, Peter Callas, Beth Lo (organizer from Missuola University), Johs de Weese … [Read more…]

1993, Ceramics Ringebu, Norway 

 International ceramic workshop, Ringebu, Norway 1993. Produced by Torbjørn Kvasbø. Sponsored by Lillehammer Olympiske Organisasjonskomité (LOOC, Lillehammer Olympic Organizing Committee). Artists: USA: Rudy Autio, Peter Callas, Jim Leedy, Bob Shay, Peter Voulkos, Chuck Wissinger England: Michael Flynn Denmark: Nina Hole Australia: Janet Mansfield Finland: Tapio Yli-Viikari Norway: Hanne Heuch, Tor Hvammen, Poul Jensen, Ole Lislerud, Svein … [Read more…]

1994, Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Canada

The Banff Centre “WoodFire – A Contemporary Aesthetic”, ten week master class organised by Les Manning, 1994. Masters: Linda Christianson, USA; Robert Archambeau, Canada; Torbjørn Kvasbø, Norway.   Instructors at the International Woodfiring Workshop, Banff 1994. From left Robert Archambeau, Linda Christianson and Torbjørn Kvasbø. Photo: Les Manning Firing Linda Christianson`s two-chambered climbing wood-fire kiln. … [Read more…]

1997 Kalmar Ceramic Workshop, Sweden.

Site specific large scale works, Kalmar Ceramic Workshop, Sweden, 1997. Organisers: Kalmar Municipality, Departement of Culture, Kyrre Dahl and Lena Johansson. Five invited artists from each of the Nordic countries: Kennet Williamson, Sweden; Pekka Paikkari, Finland; Gudný Magnúsdóttir, Iceland; Nina Hole, Denmark; and Torbjørn Kvasbø, Norway (organiser). Twenty assistants recruited from art college students within … [Read more…]

1995, Clay-Sculpt Gulgong, Australia

The idea of the project was to construct clay works to enhance the environment of Janet Mansfields home, Morning View Farm, just outside of Gulgong, Australia. Organiser: Janet Mansfield. Among the invited artists where Peter Callas, USA; Robert Harrison, USA; Bruce Andersson, USA; Peter Voulkos USA; Claude Presset, Switzerland; Ann Roberts, Canada; Michale Flynn, Great … [Read more…]

2003, European Ceramic Work Center, EKWC

EKWC 3 months residency at the European Ceramic Work Center in `s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, 2003. Preparations for my first retrospective exhibition, at Bomuldsfabriken kunsthall, Arendal, Norway, 2003. Photo: Torbjørn Kvasbø   Photo: Harald Solberg

2009, Marl Hole

Marl Hole, Stoke-on-Trent, Great Britain 4 international artists were invited to create a series of site-specific works at Ibstock Brick Ltd`s Gorsty Quarry: Neil Brownsword, Great Britain (organiser); Alexandra Engelfriet, the Netherlands; Pekka Paikkari, Finland; and Torbjørn Kvasbø, Norway. Filmmaker Johnny Magee, Great Britain. Marl Hole is an encroachment hard to imagine. Notions of the … [Read more…]

2011, Raw Material. Ringebu, Norway

Raw Material, Meeting Points. What happens when four independent artistic visions culminate as one? What is of primary importance: the journey or the final destination? How can transient curiosity in a material capable of preserving every thought, action and reaction be made tangible for others? As opposed to the Marl Hole project, where, although all … [Read more…]

2013, Norsk Teknisk Porselensfabrikk (NTP)

Norsk Teknisk Porselen Products AS (NTP), Fredrikstad, Norway, produces high-voltage ceramic insulators. Norsk Teknisk Porselensfabrikk, fra 1916, er en av Fredrikstads eldste gjenlevende bedrifter. De har hatt 535 ansatte på det meste, har i dag 30 totalt hvorav 22 mann på gulvet. De konkurrerer over hele verden på kvalitet og leveringstid, over hele verden, men … [Read more…]