Anagama kiln. The chamber is 5.5 m long, 2 m at its widest point and 1.6 m at its tallest.
Built 1985 together with Bernd Axel Pfeiffer.
During the firing around 35 m3 of wood is used in the form of flitches of spruce and pine from small local saw mills. Normal firing temperature is 1.350 C and lasts for five to six days.
The wood is stoked about every five minutes and the crew works four-hour shifts during the five to six days.
1985. Bernd Axel Pfeiffer cleaning the firebox.
2012. Firing crew loading the kiln. From left Kari Sund, Torbjørn Kvasbø, Takeshi Yasuda, Trine Midtsund, Ole Morten Rokvam. The weight of this piece ab. 600 kgs. Photo: Svein Narum
Reduction fire at 1300 C
Fire box at top temperature 1350 C.
Wood kiln for glaze firings. 1,5 m3 chamber.
Electric car kiln for 1300 C . 1,5 m3 chamber, 63 kw
My first kiln 1976. Two-chambered oil-kiln. Glaze temperature in the first chamber, bisque temperature in second chamber by the heat from first chamber. Photo: Gudbrandsdølen-Dagningen, Lillehammer