2010, Ferd
Turquoise Stack 2010. White earthenware clay, extruded pipe elements roughly modelled together in centre of stack round a wheel thrown bottom center cone, alkaline frit based copper oxide egyptian blue glaze, the darker parts also contain cobalt carbonate. The low viscosity of the glaze clearly reveals all the details in the body underneath. Kiln shelf. Electric kiln. H 75 cm. Private collection, Oslo, Norway. Photo: Thomas Tveter
2007, Utsmykking Gartnerhagen Bo- og servicesenter, Lillehammer
Samarbeid med billedkunstner Marit Arnekleiv, Tretten.
1993-94, Utsmykking Finsal sykehjem, Hamar Kommune
Mursteinsmoduler modellert i steingods, porselensslikker, anagama-brent. Muret som en vanlig mursteinsvegg, med sementmørtel.